Twenty-five years ago, Everett Aaron, a Christian minister and flight enthusiast, got an idea -- What would it take to start a commercial airline that only caters to Christian missionaries looking to work abroad?
The short answer is, it takes about 25 years if you're starting from the ground up. And several million dollars.
But this year, Aaron expects his company, Judah 1 Airlines, to take flight. With FAA paperwork mostly
Credit Scott Morgan / KETR News
done and a few last details to work out, Aaron expects Judah 1 to start making flights to Central and South America.
Listen to Scott Morgan's story above, and take an audio tour of the inside of Judah 1's MD-83 airliner -- a.k.a. the "flying cigar" -- below.
What does it sound like to startup a commercial airliner from the captain's seat? Take a listen.
Judah 1 CEO and founder Everett Aaron chats about the seating area in his new MD-83.
And what's an airliner without a little art?
It gets a little loud in the tail cone of an airliner.