Texas country crooner Jack Ingram takes the stage Saturday, September 21, at 10 P.M. as part of the Rally 'Round Greenville fall festival, and as he makes plans to visit northeast Texas, he took a little time to chat with Notably Texan host Matt Meinke and KETR's Jerrod Knight."Funny, I'm actually getting ready to go do some radio of my own later today," Ingram said before the mics went hot Tuesday.
When he's not in the studio working on his next album (it's been 5 years since his last!) or selling out live concert venues, he has a side job doing voiceover and imaging work for nearly 130 country radio stations. That is, he uses his, "my way or the highway" attitude as a brand for an industry that's trying not to fall victim to "be everything to everyone" programming approach.
Ingram talks with Meinke and Knight about this and other subjects, and you can hear that audio below. You can also see a TV spot for HEB grocery stores that features Ingram explaining the rumors about his home state.