Today's broadcast of North By Northeast focuses on the Marvin Nichols Reservoir proposal, which would place a massive reservoir along the Sulphur River,…
Dramatic moments in public water policy planning aren’t too common. But there actually was such a moment in Texas water policy last week. It involved the…
Supporters of the proposed Marvin Nichols Reservoir encountered a speed bump in Austin this morning, while opponents of the project welcomed a delay of…
If the proposed Marvin Nichols reservoir is built along the Sulphur River, then not only would some land need to be flooded, but comparable lands must…
Walt Sears of the Northeast Texas Municipal Water District considers raising water levels at Wright Patman Lake, along with using existing water at Toledo…
The Texas Water Development Board has announced the two public hearings during which the agency will receive public comment on the proposed Marvin Nichols…
The three-person governing body of the Texas Water Development Board is now fully staffed. Gov. Rick Perry has appointed Kathleen Thea Jackson of Beaumont…
After years of conflict, the fate of the controversial Marvin Nichols Reservoir proposal will be decided by the Texas Water Development Board's governing…
The proposed Marvin Nichols Reservoir would flood 70,000 acres of bottom land, including hardwood forests that have been identified by the U.S. Fish and…
AUSTIN - Northeast Texas landowners and at timber company have won a decision from a district judge in Austin into the debate over the Marvin Nichols…